The Board Plant...
The Ecopanel Systems plant is specifically designed for simple operation and use.
In terms of the smaller ‘Stand-Alone’ systems, the maintenance can be carried out as necessary on site without the need for highly specialist input.
The total site requirement for the basic entry-level plant is approximately 1200 square metres.
This area will accommodate the plant, including the Diathermic Heating storage space for raw materials, plus adequate room for board storage and board conversion equipment, such as sanding and sawing machinery.
Industrial standard concrete flooring is adequate upon which to stand most of the plant, with the exception of the area where the main press is sited.
• Plant dimensions are approximately 16 x 10 x 3.5Metres.
• Material processing section is approximately 16 x 6Metres.
• Full civils information relating to bases, etc. is provided.
Electrical plant requirements are three phase supply, peak load 300Kw/hr, average load 200Kw/hr.
In normal operation, the plant can process approximately 2 tonnes of waste material an hour into 1220mm x 2440mm (8’ x 4’) boards. (Entry level and Mid Industrial systems are capable of producing up to 16 Tonnes per hour).
*A typical two tonnes per hour 'Entry Level' plant*
The plant can be operated with as few as four/six staff per shift, plus some additional labour to handle raw material and board conversions.
The Board comprises 97% waste fibrous material and 3% bonding agent.
There are no toxicity problems with the process, although it is necessary to duct the heat/steam fumes from the working press into the atmosphere so as to maintain a good working environment.
The board is generally produced in densities up to 650Kgm per cubic metre and from 4mm to 18mm thick; however, thicker boards up to 40mm may be produced.
The board produced has excellent physical properties with impact and tensile strengths comparable to particleboard.
Past research confirms that it has enhanced fire and moisture resistance, and is non-toxic and biodegradable.
In general terms, the board is made to comply with British and other Standards relating to particleboard manufacture.
us for more information.